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Free Printable: National Thank A Mail Carrier Day

Happy February, friends!

I cannot believe that January passed so quickly! It’s as if time goes faster every single year. This Sunday is National Thank a Mail Carrier Day. It’s a bit of a mouthful, but for us, it's so important because we adore snail mail. Mail carriers are out in the rain, snow, heat, and wind six days out of the week year-round and without them, there is no way the paper mail service would be able to function.

Thank A Mail Carrier Printable | Smudge Ink | Image 1

In honor of this day, please thank your mail carrier! Even if you are at work or school while they come by your house, it's easy to do. Print and cut out one of our free, printable cards, add a quick message if you’d like, and pop it in your mailbox! The mail carrier will be so pleased to find out that you appreciate them regardless of how often you actually meet. Since the holiday is actually on a Sunday, you can put it in the day before or after so that they can still get the card.

National Thank A Mail Carrier Day | Smudge Ink | Image 2

You might also include a small treat like a cookie or candy bar with your card!

National Thank A Mail Carrier Day | Smudge Ink | Image 3

