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Rewarding Activities for a Rainy Boston Day

Hey, it’s Zee back with some fun things to do on rainy days like today! March is always an interesting month for New England because no one is ever quite sure what type of weather it will bring! Yesterday reached 60 degrees and sunny, but today we have a huge nor’easter in the form of a dangerously windy rainstorm. It certainly isn’t ideal springtime weather, but with the solstice technically still a couple of weeks away, I guess we can let it slide for now.

What do you like to do on cloudy, windy and rainy days? If your answer is curl up in bed and never leave, then same, but if you happen to be looking for something to do, I’ve got a few ideas for you.

My favorite way to begin a rainy day is sipping a cup of warm tea. There are so many places around Boston to get a great cuppa! Sitting in a tea or coffee shop on a rainy day is such a good way to pass the time, especially if you bring a friend, a book, a sketchbook, or all three! People watching is exceptional when it’s raining because rain seems to really bring out a different side of people (as well as cute rain accessories)!

After you’ve warmed up with a soothing beverage (that wind chill can really cut deep!), why not check out a museum? There are so many museums in the area, ranging from art to science to technology and even maps. If you’re on a budget, head to your local public library for some discounted tickets! They almost always have some on hand for library cardholders.

Art museums are a great way to appreciate classical art alongside contemporary works. The Museum of Fine Art currenly has a show by Takashi Murakami, and the bright smiling flowers will certainly distract you from any outdoor gloom. I took this picture (below) at the exhibit and you can see that even the floor is decorated brightly! 

 Additionally, there is a relatively new show at the Institute of Contemporary art in the seaport area. The exhibition, Art in the Age of the Internet- 1989 to Today, is open until May 20th. Make sure to check their website before going because some days (like today) they may close due to inclement weather, as the building basically overhangs the water.

Other museums I’d recommend include the Harvard Museum of Natural History in Cambridge, which has an incredible taxidermy collection, and the Museum of Science, which currently has a mirror maze open until April 25th.

Don’t feel like going to a museum? There are so many other activities to do on rainy days. If you’re over 21, you should absolutely tour one of the breweries in the area. The Samuel Adams Brewery does free tours every 40 minutes and you can even sample some beers . Another cool brewery to check out is Harpoon Brewery, which has tours every hour for $5 (beer included for those of age).

Sometimes, it can be hard to even want to leave your house on a day like today. If you’re staying in, especially with kids in the house, it can get boring pretty fast. There are some really easy activities you can do to stay busy. Try making Moon Sand which sticks to itself for a somewhat easier cleanup. It’s made with just sand, baby oil, and flour.

Another awesome rainy day craft is to pretend you’re in the desert, and make these fun DIY Rock Cacti.

And classic rainy day standbys are always on the table: take a trip to the movies, go bowling or rock climbing indoors, or just say “why not?” and pull on your rain boots to splash around outside.

No matter how you spend your rainy day, I hope you are able to have fun and stay safe. Check back in soon for another post!
