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I love tea. And not just in an occasional cup kind of way; I drink anywhere from 2-5 cups on weekdays. And on the weekend? Too many to count! My love of tea has resulted in a kitchen shelf overflowing with staples such as English Breakfast and Chai and I go through more honey than your average bear. To celebrate Hot Tea Month here's a roundup of some of my favorites which I hope will inspire you to try something new!

Happy Hot Tea Month | Blog | Smudge InkLet's start this off with a nod to Smudge Ink's hometown: Boston. Harney & Sons flavored black tea blend is a soft, aromatic surprise for anyone used to drinking a traditional, stiff cup of black tea. I favor it with just a dash of honey but you might find that it's subtle flavor is best enjoyed without any additions. I received a pound of Boston for Christmas—have you ever seen a pound of tea? It's a glorious sight. And it takes up most of my cupboard.

Happy Hot Tea Month | Blog | Smudge InkAnother Christmas gift was Jasmine Pearl Tea's Red Hot Hibiscus, a spicy herbal blend that brews an inviting bright pink. I love tea with a nice kick and this doesn't disappoint! The tang from the hibiscus is also refreshing. For those of you looking for a caffeinated option, do yourself a favor and try Hot Cinnamon Spice. It's one of most flavorful teas I've ever encountered and is sweet enough that you don't need to add a thing.

Cold and flu season is upon us again and this past week when I came down with a cold I went through a lot of lemon, ginger and honey tea. For the best tasting concoction I chop up some ginger and half a lemon and let it simmer in water for several minutes before straining and adding lots of honey. But another favorite is Yogi Throat Comfort. The licorice taste is quite strong so it's certainly not for everyone! Tip for winter survival: adding a dash of brandy to a cup of Throat Comfort is just the thing—the sweetness of the brandy compliments the warmth of the licorice perfectly.

So of course we just got through the holiday season, but to be honest I stock up on holiday blends in November and December and enjoy them year round. My favorites are Celestial Seasonings Nutcracker Sweet and Harney & Sons Holiday Tea. The Nutcracker Sweet aroma is enough to please any nose and with a spoonful of honey tea bliss is complete. I prefer the Holiday Tea with a dash of milk and honey and love adding more orange pieces from the mix to the tea infuser when I'm feeling the need for more citrus. Looking for a great tea infuser? Check out these fun ones from the Fred!

Happy Hot Tea Month | Blog | Smudge InkI'm obviously a Harney & Sons fan and as a result I have quite the tea tin collection. For any of you who have tins that you'd like to reuse, here are some suggestions: they make handy tins for smaller treats (truffles! small cookies!), work well as small herb or succulent planters or you can spruce up your outdoor space with lanterns!

I hope you enjoyed these suggestions and that you find some time to savor a cup of tea today. Cheers!

Happy Hot Tea Month | Blog | Smudge Ink