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Solidarity Sunday Writing Supplies Donation | Smudge InkTHE GOOD. Oh February, why don't you have more days? Though this month has been a blur (and a bit stressful as a result) I have mostly good things to report. To start, we got to celebrate Valentine's Day! We decided to spread the love by surprising some of our favorite Boston-based customers with hand-delivered brownies and cookies. We’re fortunate to work with fantastic stores and people and Valentine’s Day was a perfect day to show our appreciation. 

The holidays may be a faraway memory for most but here at Smudge we're already gearing up for the 2017 holiday season. In fact, we’re printing new holiday designs to ship out to our sales reps in a couple weeks. I've said it before and I'll say it again: seeing new cards come off the press for the first time is ridiculously exciting because after months of hard work we finally have a finished product.

This month we also donated supplies to Solidarity Sundays to help out with their writing campaigns. We had a bunch of paper and envelopes leftover from a few years’ worth of custom projects (shown above). When we saw Design*Sponge’s callout looking for donations, we were thrilled to be able to put all the materials towards such a worthy cause!

THE BAD. Like I alluded to earlier, there was a lot to do this month and not much time. Our next release is pretty huge and staying on top of schedule has been daunting. On top of that, we rearranged the office this month. Ultimately this is a good thing but the process wasn't pleasant. It took a whole weekend to move the desks and rewire all electronics. There was some cursing involved and SO MUCH. DUST. But now that we're on the other side of all that work it feels pretty cozy in here!

THE UGLY. Who knew the Oscars debacle could be a good lesson on the power of typography