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2016 Holiday Designs are Done! | Smudge InkTHE GOOD. Our holiday line is finalized, and production is underway! Clayton began putting pen to paper (or stylus to tablet) for our 2016 holiday collection a full year ahead of time. So from Christmas right up to the first day of spring, we're in full on Santa mode. It's safe to say we're pretty much tapped out on fa-la-la-ing by then. Sending along the final files to our offset printer and final proofs to our own print room is a very. good. thing. We're always proud of what we put out there, but this year's release seems especially bright and as usual, is replete with beautiful imagery and nostalgic themes. Sneak peek shown above!

With the holiday designs behind us, we get to enjoy the tiniest bit of breathing room to regroup and spring clean the studio—dust off our desks, purge old files, clean up the inventory room, etc. It's only a few days of calm really, but we'll take 'em. We're now elbows deep in production and stationery show prep (which in the end, are good things too!)

THE BAD. This year, March is a 3-payroll month. Anyone who's run payroll on a semi-weekly basis is familiar with this occurrence. Because of how the dates fall and when you pay your employees, you're hit with three payrolls instead of two, which can result in a cash flow issue. In theory, you plan ahead for these months ahead of time but in my experience they still sneak up on you. Fortunately, April is only a 2-payroll month—yeehaw!

THE UGLY. This month was basically one long, sad commercial for Dayquil, Kleenex, Advil, the Neti Pot, and Emergen-C.